1. The maximum number of orbitals present in the third shell is

2. The frequency of radiation with a wavelength of 500 nm is approximately

3. What is the magnetic quantum number for a d-orbital?

4. The ratio of the energy of an electron in the second orbit to that in the first orbit is

5. The maximum number of electrons that can be present in a subshell is given by

6. Which of the following orbitals has the highest energy?

7. Which of the following has a half-filled p-subshell?

8. The splitting of spectral lines in an electric field is called

9. The wavelength associated with a particle of mass 1g moving at 1 m/s is

10. The Lyman series of the hydrogen spectrum lies in

11. The region in which the probability of finding an electron is maximum is called

12. The shape of p-orbitals is

13. The quantum number that determines the size of the orbital is

14. The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle is given by

15. The maximum number of electrons in a p-subshell is

16. What is the angular momentum of an electron in the second orbit of hydrogen?

17. Which quantum number determines the orientation of an orbital?

18. Which of the following has the lowest ionization energy?

19. Which of the following is a correct quantum number set for a 3p electron?

20. The splitting of spectral lines in a magnetic field is called

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