1. Which of the following has a linear shape?;CO2;H2O;NH3;CH4;A

2. The bond order of N2 is

3. The hybridization of the central atom in XeF2 is

4. The geometry of CH4 is

5. The bond order of CO molecule is

6. Which molecule has the shortest bond length?

7. The bond angle in a perfect tetrahedral molecule is

8. The bond angle in water is approximately

9. Which of the following species has the highest bond angle?

10. The bond order of N2 molecule is

11. The bond angle in NH3 is smaller than that in CH4 due to

12. Which of the following has the shortest bond length?

13. Which of the following is polar in nature?

14. The bond order in NO is

15. The molecular geometry of PF5 is

16. Which hybridization is present in PCl5?

17. Which hybridization is present in SF6?

18. The bond angle in a trigonal planar molecule is approximately

19. The shape of SF4 is

20. Which of the following has a trigonal planar structure?

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