1. The boiling point elevation of a solution is directly proportional to

2. The number of ions produced by one formula unit of BaCl2 in solution is

3. Which of the following is an example of an azeotropic mixture?

4. The elevation in boiling point of a solution is

5. Raoult's law is applicable to

6. If two solutions have the same osmotic pressure, they are

7. Henry's law constant increases with

8. The freezing point depression constant (Kf) depends on

9. Which of the following is an example of a colligative property?

10. The van't Hoff factor (i) is equal to 1 for

11. Which of the following represents isotonic solutions?

12. What is the vapor pressure of an ideal solution if the mole fraction of solvent is 0.8 and its pure vapor pressure is 100 mmHg?

13. If a solution is hypertonic to a cell, water will

14. The relation between osmotic pressure (π) and molarity (M) is

15. Which colligative property is used to determine molar mass of a solute in macromolecules?

16. Osmotic pressure is given by the equation

17. The addition of a solute to a solvent results in

18. Osmotic pressure is directly proportional to

19. Which solution is isotonic with a 0.1 M glucose solution?

20. The relation between freezing point depression and molality is

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