1. Which of the following reactions represents a redox reaction?;HCl + NaOH → NaCl + H2O;2Mg + O2 → 2MgO;AgNO3 + NaCl → AgCl + NaNO3;NH4Cl → NH3 + HCl;B
2. The standard emf of a galvanic cell is given by
A. E°cell = E°anode × E°cathode
B. E°cell = E°cathode - E°anode
C. E°cell = E°anode - E°cathode
D. E°cell = E°cathode + E°anode
3. In a concentration cell, the emf is zero when
A. Electrolytes are different
B. Concentrations of both solutions are equal
C. Temperature is high
D. Electrodes are of different materials
4. Which of the following is a good oxidizing agent?
A. KMnO4
B. H2
C. Na
D. CH4
5. The oxidation number of oxygen in OF2 is
A. +1
B. -1
C. -2
D. +2
6. In a concentration cell, the emf is zero when
A. Both electrodes have the same concentration
B. Electrodes are of different materials
C. Electrolytes are different
D. The cell operates at high temperature
7. The equivalent conductance of a strong electrolyte
A. First increases, then decreases with dilution
B. Increases with dilution
C. Remains constant with dilution
D. Decreases with dilution
8. The product obtained at the cathode during the electrolysis of aqueous CuSO4 solution using Cu electrodes is
A. H2
B. Cu
C. SO2
D. O2
9. In a redox reaction, oxidation involves
A. Loss of electrons
B. Gain of electrons
C. Loss of protons
D. Gain of protons
10. The standard reduction potential of hydrogen electrode is
A. 0 V
B. +1.10 V
C. -0.76 V
D. +0.34 V
11. Faraday's first law of electrolysis states that
A. Mass of substance deposited ∝ time
B. Mass of substance deposited ∝ current
C. Mass of substance deposited ∝ resistance
D. Mass of substance deposited ∝ charge
12. The equivalent conductance of a strong electrolyte
A. Decreases with dilution
B. Increases with dilution
C. First increases, then decreases with dilution
D. Remains constant with dilution
13. During electrolysis, oxidation occurs at
A. Salt bridge
B. Cathode
C. Anode
D. Electrolyte
14. In a galvanic cell, the anode is
A. Negative
B. Neutral
C. None of the above
D. Positive
15. The equivalent conductance at infinite dilution for strong electrolytes
A. Increases indefinitely
B. Decreases with dilution
C. Can be determined by Kohlrausch’s law
D. Cannot be determined
16. During the electrolysis of molten NaCl, the product at the cathode is
A. Cl2
B. H2
C. Na
D. O2
17. Which of the following is used as a salt bridge in a galvanic cell?
B. KCl
C. NH3
D. HCl
18. Which of the following is a primary standard in redox titration?
A. HCl
B. H2SO4
C. KMnO4
D. K2Cr2O7
19. Which of the following represents the correct cell reaction in a galvanic cell?
A. Zn2+ + Cu → Zn + Cu2+
B. Zn + Cu2+ → Zn2+ + Cu
C. Zn + Cu → Zn2+ + Cu2+
D. Zn2+ + Cu2+ → Zn + Cu
20. The electrolyte used in the Daniel cell is
B. H2SO4
C. NaCl
D. ZnSO4 and CuSO4
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