1. The overall order of the reaction with rate law Rate = k[A]^2[B] is
A. 3
B. 1
C. 2
D. 4
2. The slope of the plot ln(k) vs 1/T gives
A. 1/Activation energy
B. -Activation energy/R
C. Activation energy
D. ln(A)
3. The units of the rate constant for a first-order reaction are
A. s^-1
B. L mol^-1 s^-1
C. mol^-1 L s^-1
D. mol L^-1 s^-1
4. The time required for a reaction to complete 50% is known as
A. Half-life
B. Rate constant
C. Activation energy
D. Reaction time
5. Which of the following plots represents a zero-order reaction?
A. 1/[A] vs time
B. [A]^2 vs time
C. [A] vs time
D. ln[A] vs time
6. Which of the following is true for a catalyst?
A. It alters the equilibrium constant
B. It decreases the activation energy
C. It increases the activation energy
D. It is consumed during the reaction
7. The graph of [A] vs time for a zero-order reaction is
A. An exponential curve
B. A straight line with a positive slope
C. A straight line with a negative slope
D. A parabola
8. The slope of the plot ln(k) vs 1/T is equal to
A. +Ea/R
B. -Ea/R
C. ln(A)
D. 1/Ea
9. The rate constant of a reaction is 2.5 × 10^-3 s^-1. The reaction is of
A. Zero order
B. Third order
C. Second order
D. First order
10. The time required for a reaction to complete 50% is known as
A. Reaction time
B. Half-life
C. Activation energy
D. Rate constant
11. In a pseudo-first-order reaction,
A. The reaction is second order
B. One reactant is in excess
C. The reaction rate does not depend on concentration
D. The reaction is zero order
12. In a first-order reaction, the time required to complete 99% of the reaction is approximately
A. 10 times the half-life
B. 5 times the half-life
C. 2 times the half-life
D. 7 times the half-life
13. The activation energy of a reaction is
A. The energy released during the reaction
B. The energy difference between reactants and products
C. The energy required to break bonds
D. The minimum energy required for a reaction to occur
14. The rate of a reaction is defined as
A. Total concentration of reactants
B. Total concentration of products
C. Change in concentration per unit time
D. Time taken for the reaction to complete
15. The half-life of a first-order reaction is
A. Directly proportional to initial concentration
B. Independent of initial concentration
C. Inversely proportional to initial concentration
D. Exponentially dependent on initial concentration
16. The rate of reaction is directly proportional to the
A. Concentration of reactants
B. Time of reaction
C. Pressure of reactants
D. Volume of reactants
17. Which of the following does not affect the rate of a chemical reaction?
A. Catalyst
B. Temperature
C. Surface area of reactants
D. Inert gases
18. For a reaction A → B, the rate constant has units mol^-1 L s^-1. The order of the reaction is
A. First
B. Third
C. Second
D. Zero
19. Which of the following reactions follows first-order kinetics?
A. Both A and B
B. Radioactive decay
C. Neutralization of acid and base
D. Decomposition of H2O2
20. Which of the following affects the rate of a chemical reaction?
A. All of the above
B. Surface area of reactants
C. Concentration of reactants
D. Temperature
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