1. The modern periodic table is based on;Atomic mass;Atomic number;Number of neutrons;Number of isotopes;B

2. The periodic table was first proposed by

3. Which of the following is an alkali metal?

4. Which of the following elements is a p-block element?

5. The element with atomic number 20 is

6. Which of the following is a characteristic of alkali metals?

7. The element with the highest ionization energy is

8. Which of the following elements has the highest electronegativity?

9. Which of the following elements belongs to the f-block?

10. Which of the following is an f-block element?

11. The valency of an element depends on

12. The element with atomic number 29 belongs to which block?

13. The electron affinity of which of the following elements is highest?

14. The noble gases belong to which group?

15. Which group in the periodic table contains alkali metals?

16. Which group contains the halogens?

17. The atomic radius of an element increases

18. The ionization energy increases across a period because

19. The d-block elements are also known as

20. Which group in the periodic table is known as halogens?

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