1. Which of the following properties increases down the group?
A. Electronegativity
B. Ionization energy
C. Electron affinity
D. Atomic radius
2. Which of the following has the lowest electronegativity?
A. Sodium
B. Lithium
C. Francium
D. Cesium
3. The element with atomic number 8 belongs to
A. Group 18
B. Group 15
C. Group 16
D. Group 14
4. The atomic radius decreases across a period due to
A. Increase in shielding effect
B. Increase in nuclear charge
C. Decrease in nuclear charge
D. Addition of a new shell
5. The metallic character increases
A. Down a group
B. From nonmetals to metals
C. Both A and C
D. Across a period
6. The atomic number of an element determines its
A. Boiling point
B. Chemical properties
C. Melting point
D. Physical state
7. Which element belongs to period 3 and group 16?
A. Oxygen
B. Sulfur
C. Tellurium
D. Selenium
8. The element with the highest electron affinity is
A. Fluorine
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Chlorine
9. Which of the following elements has the highest metallic character?
A. K
B. Cs
C. Li
D. Na
10. The number of periods in the modern periodic table is
A. 9
B. 8
C. 6
D. 7
11. The number of valence electrons in Group 15 elements is
A. 4
B. 5
C. 3
D. 6
12. Which element has the highest electron affinity?
A. Bromine
B. Fluorine
C. Oxygen
D. Chlorine
13. Which of the following is true for elements in the same group?
A. They have similar nuclear charges
B. They have the same number of shells
C. They have the same number of valence electrons
D. They have similar atomic sizes
14. The first ionization energy of Mg is higher than that of Na due to
A. Higher nuclear charge
B. Greater shielding effect
C. Stable electronic configuration
D. Smaller atomic radius
15. Which of the following has the smallest atomic radius?
A. Tellurium
B. Oxygen
C. Selenium
D. Sulfur
16. Which of the following elements is most electronegative?
A. Oxygen
B. Fluorine
C. Nitrogen
D. Chlorine
17. The ionization energy decreases down a group because of
A. Both A and B
B. Increase in atomic size
C. Decrease in nuclear charge
D. Increase in shielding effect
18. The electron affinity becomes less negative down the group due to
A. Decrease in nuclear charge
B. Increase in atomic size
C. Both A and C
D. Increase in shielding effect
19. The element with atomic number 10 belongs to
A. Group 2
B. Group 18
C. Group 17
D. Group 1
20. Which of the following elements has the lowest ionization energy?
A. Rb
B. Cs
C. Na
D. K
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