1. The color of chlorine gas is

2. Which of the following oxides is amphoteric?

3. The boiling point of NH3 is higher than PH3 due to

4. Which of the following is used as a refrigerant?

5. Which of the following hydrides has the highest boiling point?

6. Which of the following elements forms pπ-pπ multiple bonds?

7. Which of the following is the most stable allotrope of carbon?

8. The bond angle in water is approximately

9. Which of the following is the strongest reducing agent?

10. The hybridization of nitrogen in NH4+ is

11. Which of the following is used in the production of ammonia by the Haber process?

12. The acid strength of hydrides of group 16 elements increases in the order

13. Which of the following noble gases does not form compounds?

14. Which of the following elements is most electronegative in group 16?

15. Which of the following compounds does not exist?

16. The bond angle in water is approximately

17. The reducing nature of hydrides of group 15 elements increases in the order

18. Which of the following is an example of a noble gas?

19. Which of the following oxides is neutral?

20. Which of the following halogens has the lowest boiling point?

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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.

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