1. Which of the following is a characteristic property of transition elements?

2. Which of the following is the lightest transition metal?

3. Which of the following is used as a catalyst in the Ostwald process?

4. What is the oxidation state of Fe in Fe3O4?

5. Which property is unique to actinides compared to lanthanides?

6. Which of the following elements has the maximum magnetic moment?

7. What is the main ore of chromium?

8. What is the geometry of [Fe(CN)6]4-?

9. What is the color of hydrated Cu2+ ions in water?

10. Which is the hardest known transition metal?

11. Which of the following ions shows paramagnetic behavior?

12. Which of the following ions has the maximum hydration energy?

13. Which of the following is a transition element but not a noble metal?

14. Which of the following is an important ore of uranium?

15. Which of the following ions does not exhibit any color in solution?

16. Which transition metal forms the most number of oxides?

17. Which element is extracted from monazite ore?

18. What is the main reason for the lanthanide contraction?

19. What is the formula of potassium dichromate?

20. Which of the following ions is colorless?

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