1. Which property is common among all actinides?

2. Which element among the d-block has the highest density?

3. Which of the following is the most stable oxidation state of chromium?

4. Why do transition elements form colored compounds?

5. Which d-block element is used as a catalyst in the Haber process?

6. What is the configuration of Cr3+ ion?

7. Which of the following has the highest number of unpaired electrons?

8. Which of the following is the general outer electronic configuration of d-block elements?

9. What is the color of aqueous solution of CuSO4?

10. What is the oxidation state of Fe in K3[Fe(CN)6]?

11. Which of the following is used in anti-cancer drugs?

12. What is the main ore of lanthanides?

13. Which of the following is a characteristic property of actinides?

14. Which metal is present in vitamin B12?

15. Which element among the d-block is known for its ferromagnetic property?

16. Which d-block element is used in galvanization?

17. The oxidation state of Mn in KMnO4 is

18. Which of the following is used in the catalytic converter in automobiles?

19. Which element in the d-block forms the most stable +3 oxidation state?

20. Which of the following elements has the highest second ionization energy?

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