1. Which d-block element has the highest ionization energy?
A. Copper
B. Silver
C. Chromium
D. Zinc
2. What is the electronic configuration of Cu+?
A. [Ar] 3d10
B. [Ar] 3d9
C. [Ar] 3d7
D. [Ar] 3d8
3. What is the general electronic configuration of f-block elements?
A. [noble gas] 5f1-14 6d0-1 7s2
B. [noble gas] 5d1-14 6f0-1 7s2
C. [noble gas] 4f1-14 5d0-1 6s2
D. [noble gas] 6f1-14 7d0-1 8s2
4. Which of the following is an important property of lanthanides?
A. High density
B. Lanthanide contraction
C. Magnetic properties
D. Colorful compounds
5. Which of the following is a characteristic property of lanthanides?
A. Low melting points
B. High reactivity
C. High ionization enthalpy
D. High magnetic susceptibility
6. Which of the following ions is most stable in aqueous solution?
A. Mn2+
B. Cu2+
C. Co2+
D. Fe3+
7. Which d-block element is known for its highest melting point?
A. Nickel
B. Iron
C. Tungsten
D. Copper
8. Which property increases across the period in the d-block elements?
A. Metallic character
B. Density
C. Electronegativity
D. Atomic radius
9. What is the oxidation state of Cr in Cr2O7 2-?
A. +4
B. +7
C. +5
D. +6
10. What is the color of the aqueous solution of Cr2O7 2-?
A. Yellow
B. Purple
C. Green
D. Orange
11. What type of bonding is prevalent in compounds of transition metals?
A. Van der Waals bonding
B. Covalent bonding
C. Metallic bonding
D. Ionic bonding
12. Which of the following is an important use of lanthanides?
A. Glass polishing
B. Magnets
C. Alloys
D. Catalysts
13. Which element is used in the preparation of permanganate?
A. Mn
B. Cr
C. Zn
D. Fe
14. What is the geometry of [Ni(CN)4]2-?
A. Square planar
B. Octahedral
C. Tetrahedral
D. Trigonal planar
15. Which of the following is the highest oxidation state shown by manganese?
A. +4
B. +7
C. +6
D. +5
16. Which transition metal shows the highest number of oxidation states?
A. Mn
B. V
C. Cr
D. Fe
17. Which of the following compounds is colored?
A. KMnO4
B. FeCl3
C. CuSO4
D. NaCl
18. Which of the following lanthanides shows +4 oxidation state?
A. Ce
B. Tb
C. Eu
D. Pr
19. Which of the following ions is colorless in solution?
A. Ti4+
B. Sc3+
C. Zn2+
D. Fe2+
20. Which of the following transition metals is diamagnetic?
A. Zn
B. Cu
C. Fe
D. Ni
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