1. Which of the following techniques is used for separating dyes?
A. Paper chromatography
B. Gas chromatography
C. Column chromatography
D. Recrystallization
2. Which of the following is used to separate immiscible liquids?
A. Centrifuge
B. Separating funnel
C. Vacuum distillation
D. Paper chromatography
3. What is the principle of distillation under reduced pressure?
A. Boiling occurs at higher temperature under reduced pressure
B. Boiling occurs at lower temperature under reduced pressure
C. Non-volatile impurities evaporate first
D. Temperature remains constant during boiling
4. Which of the following techniques is used to determine the boiling point of a liquid?
A. Thermometer
B. Refractometer
C. Barometer
D. Hydrometer
5. Which of the following is a qualitative analysis method?
A. Lassaigne's test
B. Tollens' test
C. Lucas test
D. Fehling's test
6. What is the purpose of fractional distillation?
A. To separate immiscible liquids
B. To separate liquids with close boiling points
C. To separate solids from liquids
D. To increase boiling points
7. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?
A. Oxidizes impurities
B. Removes moisture
C. Removes color impurities
D. Adsorbs impurities
8. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?
A. Dissolves impurities
B. Removes color impurities
C. Adsorbs impurities
D. Catalyzes reactions
9. Which technique is used to separate proteins in a mixture?
A. Electrophoresis
B. Paper chromatography
C. Gel electrophoresis
D. Thin-layer chromatography
10. What is the role of a boiling chip during distillation?
A. Prevents bumping
B. Increases boiling point
C. Prevents overheating
D. Acts as a catalyst
11. Which method is used to purify naphthalene?
A. Sublimation
B. Filtration
C. Recrystallization
D. Distillation
12. Which of the following is used to separate immiscible liquids?
A. Separating funnel
B. Centrifuge
C. Chromatography
D. Filtration
13. What is the purpose of a separating funnel?
A. To mix immiscible liquids
B. To separate immiscible liquids
C. To mix two liquids
D. To test solubility
14. What is the principle of paper chromatography?
A. Separation based on partition coefficient
B. Separation based on boiling point differences
C. Separation based on adsorption differences
D. Separation based on density differences
15. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?
A. Dissolves impurities
B. Removes color impurities
C. Oxidizes impurities
D. Adsorbs impurities
16. What is the melting point range of a pure organic compound?
A. Sharp but slightly broad
B. Range above 10°C
C. Broad and undefined
D. Sharp and narrow
17. What is the melting point range of an impure substance?
A. Sharp and narrow
B. Range above 10°C
C. Sharp but slightly broad
D. Broad and undefined
18. What is the purpose of recrystallization?
A. To remove volatile impurities
B. To remove impurities
C. To purify solids
D. To dissolve the solid
19. What is the melting point range for a pure substance?
A. Sharp but slightly broad
B. Broad and undefined
C. Range above 10°C
D. Sharp and narrow
20. Which of the following techniques is used for separating pigments?
A. Gas chromatography
B. Thin-layer chromatography
C. Paper chromatography
D. Column chromatography
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