1. Which of the following techniques is used for separating dyes?

2. Which of the following is used to separate immiscible liquids?

3. What is the principle of distillation under reduced pressure?

4. Which of the following techniques is used to determine the boiling point of a liquid?

5. Which of the following is a qualitative analysis method?

6. What is the purpose of fractional distillation?

7. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?

8. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?

9. Which technique is used to separate proteins in a mixture?

10. What is the role of a boiling chip during distillation?

11. Which method is used to purify naphthalene?

12. Which of the following is used to separate immiscible liquids?

13. What is the purpose of a separating funnel?

14. What is the principle of paper chromatography?

15. What is the role of activated carbon in purification?

16. What is the melting point range of a pure organic compound?

17. What is the melting point range of an impure substance?

18. What is the purpose of recrystallization?

19. What is the melting point range for a pure substance?

20. Which of the following techniques is used for separating pigments?

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