1. Which of the following is an example of an alkyne?
A. C4H6
B. C5H8
C. C3H4
D. C2H2
2. What is the product of the reaction between methane and chlorine in sunlight?
A. Trichloromethane
B. Tetrachloromethane
C. Dichloromethane
D. Chloromethane
3. What type of isomerism is exhibited by alkenes?
A. Functional isomerism
B. Position isomerism
C. Geometrical isomerism
D. Chain isomerism
4. What is the major product when ethene reacts with HBr in the presence of peroxide?
A. 2-Bromo-1-ethanol
B. 1-Bromoethane
C. 2-Bromoethane
D. 1-Bromo-2-ethanol
5. Which of the following is the main component of natural gas?
A. Butane
B. Ethane
C. Propane
D. Methane
6. Which reagent is used to test for unsaturation in hydrocarbons?
A. Iodine solution
B. Conc. H2SO4
C. Bromine water
D. KMnO4 solution
7. What is the major product when benzene reacts with nitric acid in the presence of H2SO4?
A. Nitrobenzene
B. Phenol
C. Chlorobenzene
D. Toluene
8. Which of the following compounds exhibits resonance?
A. Anthracene
B. Cyclohexane
C. Benzene
D. Phenol
9. What type of reaction is shown by alkenes with halogens?
A. Oxidation reaction
B. Elimination reaction
C. Addition reaction
D. Substitution reaction
10. Which of the following compounds exhibits aromaticity?
A. Cyclohexane
B. Benzene
C. Phenol
D. Cyclobutene
11. Which of the following is a saturated hydrocarbon?
A. CH4
B. C3H6
C. C2H4
D. C4H8
12. Which of the following compounds is an aromatic hydrocarbon?
A. Cyclopentadiene
B. Phenol
C. Cyclohexane
D. Benzene
13. What is the general formula of alkenes?
A. CnH2n
B. CnH2n-2
C. CnH2n+1
D. CnH2n+2
14. Which of the following is a saturated hydrocarbon?
A. CH4
B. C3H8
C. C4H10
D. C2H4
15. What is the major component of petroleum gas?
A. Ethane
B. Propane
C. Methane
D. Butane
16. What type of isomerism is shown by but-1-ene and but-2-ene?
A. Geometrical isomerism
B. Chain isomerism
C. Functional isomerism
D. Position isomerism
17. Which of the following is an alkyne?
A. C3H8
B. C2H2
C. C4H10
D. C2H4
18. Which of the following is a gas at room temperature?
A. C3H8
B. C4H10
C. C5H12
D. C2H6
19. What is the product of combustion of methane?
A. CO and H2
B. H2O and CO
C. O2 and H2O
D. CO2 and H2O
20. Which reagent is used for the bromination of alkenes?
A. Br2 in CCl4
B. FeCl3
C. Conc. H2SO4
D. KMnO4
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