1. What is the general formula of alkyl halides?
A. CnH2n-1X
B. CnH2nX2
C. CnH2n+1X
D. CnH2n+2X2
2. What is the IUPAC name of CH3CHClCH3?
A. 2-Chloropropane
B. 3-Chloropropane
C. 1-Chloropropane
D. 1-Bromopropane
3. Which of the following is used as a refrigerant?
A. CFC-11
B. CCl4
C. CCl2F2
D. Freon-12
4. Which of the following compounds is used as a fire extinguishing agent?
A. C2H6
B. C6H6
C. CCl4
D. CH3Cl
5. Which reagent is used in the Swarts reaction?
A. Hg2F2
B. AgF
C. SbF3
6. What is the IUPAC name of CHCl=CHCl?
A. Trans-dichloroethene
B. "1,2-Dichloroethene"
C. "1,1-Dichloroethene"
D. Cis-dichloroethene
7. Which of the following is a method to prepare alkyl halides?
A. Reaction of alkenes with HX
B. Reaction of hydrocarbons with halogens
C. Reaction of alcohols with HX
D. Reaction of alcohols with SOCl2
8. What is the IUPAC name of CHCl=CHCl?
A. "1,2-Dichloroethene"
B. Trans-dichloroethene
C. Vinyl chloride
D. Cis-dichloroethene
9. What is the general formula of alkyl halides?
A. CnH2n-1X
B. CnH2n+1X
C. CnH2n+2X2
D. CnH2nX2
10. What is the boiling point trend in alkyl halides with increasing chain length?
A. Decreases
B. Remains constant
C. Varies irregularly
D. Increases
11. Which of the following is used in the preparation of alkyl iodides?
A. Red phosphorus and I2
B. AgNO3
C. SOCl2
D. Conc. HCl
12. What is the hybridization of carbon in CHCl3?
A. sp3d
B. sp2
C. sp
D. sp3
13. What is the major product of the Swarts reaction?
A. Alkyl iodides
B. Alkyl bromides
C. Alkyl chlorides
D. Alkyl fluorides
14. What is the hybridization of carbon in CHCl3?
A. sp3
B. sp3d
C. sp2
D. sp
15. Which reagent is used for the dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides?
A. Conc. NaOH
B. Excess NH3
C. Alcoholic KOH
D. Aqueous NaOH
16. What is the major product of the reaction between CH3CH2OH and HCl in the presence of ZnCl2?
A. Chloroethane
B. Ethyl chloride
C. Methyl chloride
D. Chloromethane
17. What is the general formula of alkyl halides?
A. CnH2n+1X
B. CnH2nX2
C. CnH2n-1X
D. CnH2n+2X
18. What is the major product of the reaction between CH3CH2Br and NaOH?
A. Methanol
B. Ethanol
C. Ethene
D. Ethanol
19. What is the bond angle in CH3Cl?
A. 109.5 degrees
B. 180 degrees
C. 120 degrees
D. 90 degrees
20. What is the hybridization of carbon in CCl4?
A. sp3d
B. sp
C. sp3
D. sp2
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