1. In volumetric analysis, a standard solution is one whose
A. Density is known
B. Temperature is known
C. Boiling point is known
D. Concentration is known
2. What happens when ammonium chloride is heated with sodium hydroxide
A. Oxygen gas is released
B. Chlorine gas is released
C. Ammonia gas is released
D. Hydrogen gas is released
3. What is the test for carbon dioxide gas
A. Forms a red precipitate
B. Releases hydrogen gas
C. Burns with a blue flame
D. Turns lime water milky
4. Which gas is used in the preparation of sulfuric acid by the contact process
A. Oxygen
B. Nitrogen
C. Sulfur dioxide
D. Chlorine
5. Which compound is used to prepare chlorine gas in the laboratory
A. Manganese dioxide
B. Sodium chloride
C. Calcium carbonate
D. Potassium permanganate
6. Which method is used to separate the components of a mixture based on boiling points
A. Crystallization
B. Filtration
C. Distillation
D. Chromatography
7. Which process is used to obtain pure solid crystals from a solution
A. Filtration
B. Distillation
C. Sublimation
D. Crystallization
8. Which gas is identified by the pop sound test
A. Hydrogen
B. Chlorine
C. Carbon dioxide
D. Oxygen
9. Which reagent is used to test the presence of sulfate ions in a solution
A. Ammonium molybdate
B. Barium chloride
C. Pottasium chromate
D. Silver nitrate
10. Which gas is evolved when zinc reacts with dilute sulfuric acid
A. Oxygen
B. Hydrogen
C. Chlorine
D. Nitrogen
11. Which gas turns lime water milky when bubbled through it
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Chlorine
C. Nitrogen
D. Hydrogen
12. Which technique is used to separate immiscible liquids
A. Distillation
B. Sublimation
C. Separating funnel
D. Crystallization
13. What is the function of silica gel in chromatography
A. Mobile phase
B. Indicator
C. Eluent
D. Stationary phase
14. Which metal is used in the detection of nitrate ions
A. Copper
B. Iron
C. Aluminum
D. Zinc
15. What is the confirmatory test for chloride ions
A. Addition of ammonium oxalate
B. Addition of silver nitrate
C. Addition of sodium hydroxide
D. Addition of lead nitrate
16. What is the principle of fractional distillation
A. Difference in boiling points
B. Difference in densities
C. Difference in solubility
D. Difference in molecular weight
17. What is the function of a desiccator in a laboratory
A. To neutralize gases
B. To absorb moisture
C. To maintain temperature
D. To remove impurities
18. Which indicator is suitable for weak acid vs strong base titration
A. Phenolphthalein
B. Litmus
C. Methyl orange
D. Universal indicator
19. What is the color of the precipitate formed when lead nitrate reacts with potassium iodide
A. Red
B. White
C. Yellow
D. Green
20. Which method is used to purify a solid compound
A. Distillation
B. Filtration
C. Sublimation
D. Extraction
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