1. What is the functional group of an alcohol
A. Hydroxyl
B. Carbonyl
C. Carboxyl
D. Amino
2. Which indicator is used for titration between weak acid and strong base
A. Phenolphthalein
B. Methyl orange
C. Congo red
D. Bromothymol blue
3. Which indicator is used in the acid-base titration of a weak acid with a strong base
A. Congo red
B. Phenolphthalein
C. Litmus
D. Methyl orange
4. What is the confirmatory test for nitrate ions
A. Charcoal test
B. Ferroxyl test
C. Flame test
D. Brown ring test
5. What is the function of litmus paper in a chemical reaction
A. To reduce products
B. To test pH
C. To oxidize reactants
D. To act as a catalyst
6. Which gas is evolved when sodium reacts with water
A. Carbon dioxide gas
B. Nitrogen gas
C. Hydrogen gas
D. Oxygen gas
7. What is the flame test color for sodium ions
A. Red
B. Yellow
C. Green
D. Blue
8. What is the confirmatory test for iodide ions
A. Yellow precipitate with silver nitrate
B. Green flame test
C. Brown ring test
D. White precipitate with barium chloride
9. Which reagent is used for the detection of aldehydes
A. All of the above
B. Tollens' reagent
C. Benedict's solution
D. Fehling's solution
10. Which gas turns lime water milky
A. Carbon dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Ammonia
11. What is the confirmatory test for ammonia gas
A. Produces a pop sound
B. Forms white fumes with hydrochloric acid
C. Makes moist red litmus blue
D. Makes moist blue litmus red
12. What is the confirmatory test for sulfate ions
A. Addition of ammonium molybdate
B. Addition of silver nitrate
C. Addition of sodium hydroxide
D. Addition of barium chloride
13. Which compound is used for the detection of aldehydes
A. Tollens' reagent
B. Benedict's solution
C. Fehling's solution
D. All of these
14. What is the confirmatory test for acetate ions
A. Brown ring test
B. Fruity smell on heating
C. Litmus test
D. Formation of yellow precipitate
15. Which cation forms a blood-red complex with thiocyanate
A. Nickel(II)
B. Iron(III)
C. Copper(II)
D. Cobalt(II)
16. Which ion gives a reddish-brown precipitate with ammonium hydroxide
A. Zinc
B. Iron(III)
C. Copper(II)
D. Lead
17. Which indicator is suitable for a titration between strong acid and strong base
A. Methyl red
B. Methyl orange
C. Phenolphthalein
D. Bromothymol blue
18. What is the purpose of adding concentrated H2SO4 in the preparation of esters
A. Reducing agent
B. Catalyst
C. Oxidizing agent
D. Precipitant
19. Which indicator is used in the titration of strong acid and strong base
A. Methyl orange
B. Bromothymol blue
C. Phenolphthalein
D. Litmus
20. Which ion forms a white precipitate with dilute hydrochloric acid
A. Sodium ion
B. Zinc ion
C. Barium ion
D. Calcium ion
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