1. A body of mass 3 kg has a velocity of 4 m/s. The kinetic energy of the body is
A. 6 J
B. 24 J
C. 12 J
D. 48 J
2. The total mechanical energy of a system remains constant if
A. Friction acts on the system
B. There is air resistance
C. Only conservative forces act on the system
D. Non-conservative forces act on the system
3. The work done by a force acting at an angle of 90 degrees to the displacement is
A. Infinity
B. Zero
C. Minimum
D. Maximum
4. A body of mass 10 kg is initially at rest. A force of 50 N acts on it for 2 seconds. The work done on the body is
A. 500 J
B. 100 J
C. 1000 J
D. 200 J
5. A particle starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration of 2 m/s² for 5 seconds. The work done by the force on the particle is proportional to
A. t⁴
B. t
C. t²
D. t³
6. A bullet of mass 10 g is fired with a velocity of 400 m/s. The kinetic energy of the bullet is
A. 80 J
B. 160 J
C. 1600 J
D. 800 J
7. The total mechanical energy of a system remains constant if
A. Friction acts on the system
B. Non-conservative forces act on the system
C. Only conservative forces act on the system
D. There is air resistance
8. A pendulum is released from a height where its potential energy is 10 J. At the lowest point, its kinetic energy is
A. 20 J
B. 10 J
C. 0 J
D. 5 J
9. The work done by friction is always
A. Positive
B. Zero
C. None of these
D. Negative
10. The dot product of force and displacement is zero if
A. The angle between them is 45°
B. The angle between them is 90°
C. The angle between them is 0°
D. The angle between them is 180°
11. A body of mass 4 kg is dropped from a height of 10 m. What is its kinetic energy just before it hits the ground
A. 200 J
B. 300 J
C. 500 J
D. 400 J
12. A pendulum is released from a height where its potential energy is 10 J. At the lowest point, its kinetic energy is
A. 5 J
B. 0 J
C. 20 J
D. 10 J
13. A spring is stretched by 5 cm. If the force constant of the spring is 100 N/m, the work done in stretching the spring is
A. 0.5 J
B. 0.125 J
C. 0.25 J
D. 0.05 J
14. The potential energy of an object of mass 3 kg at a height of 5 m is
A. 100 J
B. 200 J
C. 150 J
D. 250 J
15. A body of mass 2 kg is lifted to a height of 5 m. The work done on the body against gravity is
A. 100 J
B. 10 J
C. 200 J
D. 50 J
16. The energy transformation in a pendulum involves
A. Potential to kinetic only
B. Kinetic to heat only
C. Kinetic to potential and vice versa
D. Kinetic to potential only
17. The average power of a pump lifting 500 kg water per minute to a height of 20 m is
A. 2000 W
B. 160 W
C. 1667 W
D. 100 W
18. If the velocity of an object is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes
A. Twice
B. Four times
C. No change
D. Half
19. Which quantity remains constant in a conservative force field
A. Force
B. Power
C. Energy
D. Work
20. The unit of power in the SI system is
A. Newton
B. Kilogram
C. Watt
D. Joule
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