1. A ball is thrown vertically upward. At its highest point, which of the following is true
A. Kinetic energy is maximum
B. Potential energy is maximum
C. Total energy is zero
D. Potential energy is zero
2. Work done in lifting a body against gravity depends on
A. All of these
B. Mass of the body
C. Acceleration due to gravity
D. Height raised
3. If the velocity of an object is doubled, its kinetic energy becomes
A. Half
B. Twice
C. Four times
D. No change
4. Work done by a force is given as 50 J. If the displacement is 5 m and the force acts along the displacement, find the magnitude of the force
A. 5 N
B. 20 N
C. 10 N
D. 50 N
5. The unit of energy in the SI system is
A. Newton
B. Joule
C. Pascal
D. Watt
6. A simple pendulum is lifted to a certain height. If it oscillates, which force converts potential energy to kinetic energy
A. Inertia
B. Gravity
C. Air resistance
D. Tension
7. The power output of a machine that lifts a mass of 50 kg vertically at a constant speed of 5 m/s is
A. 2500 W
B. 500 W
C. 1000 W
D. 1250 W
8. A spring of spring constant 200 N/m is compressed by 0.1 m. The potential energy stored in the spring is
A. 1 J
B. 0.05 J
C. 0.5 J
D. 2 J
9. A block of mass 10 kg is released from rest from the top of a 5 m high incline. Neglecting friction, the velocity at the bottom is approximately
A. 7 m/s
B. 15 m/s
C. 5 m/s
D. 10 m/s
10. A satellite revolving around the Earth in a circular orbit has constant
A. Potential energy
B. Kinetic energy
C. Acceleration
D. Velocity
11. A body is in uniform circular motion. Which of the following is true about the work done by centripetal force
A. It depends on the velocity
B. It is zero
C. It is negative
D. It is positive
12. A motor lifts a 2 kg object at a constant velocity of 5 m/s. The power output of the motor is
A. 100 W
B. 98 W
C. 200 W
D. 120 W
13. A 5 kg block is dragged across a surface with a coefficient of friction μ = 0.2. If the block is moved by 10 m, the work done against friction is
A. 200 J
B. 10 J
C. 100 J
D. 50 J
14. A force of 20 N displaces a body by 2 m at an angle of 60° to the force. The work done by the force is
A. 40 J
B. 20√3 J
C. 20 J
D. 10 J
15. A spring is compressed by 0.1 m. If its spring constant is 150 N/m, calculate the potential energy stored
A. 1.5 J
B. 0.5 J
C. 0.75 J
D. 2 J
16. A block is lifted vertically upward with constant speed. The work done by the tension in the string is
A. Negative
B. Positive
C. Zero
D. Undefined
17. Which of the following forces is a conservative force
A. Gravitational force
B. Normal force
C. Air resistance
D. Friction
18. The unit of power in the SI system is
A. Watt
B. Kilogram
C. Newton
D. Joule
19. A 2 kg block is placed on a table and pushed horizontally by a force of 20 N across a distance of 3 m. The work done is
A. 20 J
B. 40 J
C. 50 J
D. 60 J
20. The dot product of force and displacement is zero if
A. The angle between them is 90°
B. The angle between them is 0°
C. The angle between them is 45°
D. The angle between them is 180°
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