1. In an isothermal process, the internal energy of an ideal gas
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. Depends on pressure
2. The work done during an isothermal process is given by
B. nRT ln(Vf/Vi)
C. nCvΔT
D. Zero
3. The efficiency of a Carnot engine working between source temperature T1 and sink temperature T2 is
A. 1 - T1/T2
B. T1/T2
C. 1 - T2/T1
D. T2/T1
4. The total entropy change for a reversible cycle is
A. Positive
B. Zero
C. Negative
D. Infinite
5. The ratio Cp/Cv for a monoatomic gas is
A. 1.33
B. 1.67
C. 1.4
D. 1.2
6. The heat absorbed by a system in an isochoric process is equal to
A. Change in internal energy
B. Work done
C. Entropy change
D. Zero
7. The specific heat of an ideal gas in an isothermal process is
A. Zero
B. Infinity
C. Equal to Cv
D. Equal to Cp
8. A gas does 300 J of work and absorbs 500 J of heat. The change in internal energy is
A. 200 J
B. 300 J
C. 800 J
D. 500 J
9. During adiabatic compression, the temperature of a gas
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. Becomes zero
10. Which of the following is a state function
A. Heat
B. Work
C. Entropy
D. None of these
11. The efficiency of a heat engine is maximum when
A. The sink is at absolute zero
B. The source is at absolute zero
C. The sink and source temperatures are equal
D. The sink is at room temperature
12. The first law of thermodynamics is a statement of
A. Conservation of energy
B. Conservation of mass
C. Conservation of momentum
D. Conservation of entropy
13. If an ideal gas undergoes an adiabatic process, the relation between pressure and temperature is
A. P/T = constant
B. P^γT^(1-γ) = constant
C. P/T^(γ-1) = constant
D. P^γ/T^(γ-1) = constant
14. The entropy change for an ideal gas is given by
A. nCv ln(Tf/Ti)
B. nR ln(Vf/Vi)
C. nR ln(Pf/Pi)
D. nCp ln(Tf/Ti)
15. In a Carnot engine, if the sink temperature is 400 K and the source temperature is 800 K, the efficiency is
A. 25%
B. 50%
C. 75%
D. 20%
16. A cyclic process is one in which
A. Work done is zero
B. Internal energy change is zero
C. Heat supplied is zero
D. Entropy change is zero
17. In an adiabatic process, the heat exchange is
A. Zero
B. Maximum
C. Minimum
D. Depends on the gas
18. The work done during an isochoric process is
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Zero
D. Infinity
19. The temperature at which the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance becomes zero is
A. 0°C
B. 0 K
C. 273 K
D. 100°C
20. The second law of thermodynamics states that
A. The total energy of the universe is conserved
B. The total entropy of the universe always increases
C. The total entropy of the universe always decreases
D. The total energy of the universe decreases
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