1. A particle executing simple harmonic motion has maximum speed when

2. The time period of a simple pendulum is independent of

3. In a resonance phenomenon, the amplitude of oscillation is maximum when the frequency of the applied force is

4. The phase difference between displacement and velocity in simple harmonic motion is

5. The frequency of a wave is doubled. Its speed in a given medium

6. In a standing wave, the distance between a node and the next antinode is

7. The quality factor (Q-factor) of a resonant circuit is a measure of

8. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is given by y(x, t) = A sin(kx - ωt). The term k represents

9. The speed of sound in a medium depends on

10. The phenomenon where two waves of slightly different frequencies interfere to produce periodic variations in amplitude is called

11. The time period of a mass-spring system is given by

12. In a damped harmonic oscillator, the amplitude decreases exponentially with time due to

13. The fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe of length L is

14. The superposition principle states that when two or more waves overlap, the resultant displacement is

15. The energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is

16. The phase difference between two points separated by a distance λ/3 in a wave of wavelength λ is

17. The speed of a wave on a string under tension T and linear mass density μ is

18. In a transverse wave, the particles of the medium vibrate

19. The intensity of a wave is proportional to

20. The restoring force in simple harmonic motion is

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