1. In simple harmonic motion, the acceleration of a particle is
A. Constant
B. Zero
C. Proportional to displacement
D. Proportional to velocity
2. The time period of a simple pendulum is given by
A. 2π√(L/g)
B. 2π√(g/L)
C. 2π√(L/T)
D. 2π√(T/L)
3. The frequency of a wave is measured in
A. Meters
B. Seconds
C. Hertz
D. Newtons
4. The amplitude of a wave is
A. The distance between two crests
B. The maximum displacement from equilibrium
C. The number of oscillations per second
D. The speed of the wave
5. The phase difference between two points separated by a distance λ/2 in a wave is
A. 0
B. π/2
C. π
D. 2π
6. The speed of a wave on a string under tension T and linear mass density μ is
A. √(T/μ)
B. √(μ/T)
C. T/μ
D. μ/T
7. In a standing wave, nodes are points where
A. Displacement is maximum
B. Displacement is zero
C. Velocity is maximum
D. Velocity is zero
8. The energy of a simple harmonic oscillator is
A. Proportional to amplitude
B. Proportional to amplitude squared
C. Independent of amplitude
D. Proportional to frequency
9. The superposition of two waves of slightly different frequencies results in
A. Resonance
B. Beats
C. Standing waves
D. Doppler effect
10. The quality of a musical note is determined by its
A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Velocity
D. Harmonics
11. The Doppler effect is observed as a change in
A. Amplitude
B. Frequency
C. Phase
D. Speed
12. The fundamental frequency of a closed organ pipe of length L is
A. v/2L
B. v/L
C. v/4L
D. 2v/L
13. The total mechanical energy in simple harmonic motion is
A. Constant
B. Zero
C. Proportional to time
D. Proportional to displacement
14. The restoring force in simple harmonic motion is
A. Proportional to displacement
B. Proportional to velocity
C. Proportional to acceleration
D. Constant
15. The time period of a mass m attached to a spring of constant k is
A. 2π√(m/k)
B. 2π√(k/m)
C. 2π√(m*g/k)
D. 2π√(k/m*g)
16. In a transverse wave, the particle displacement is
A. Parallel to wave propagation
B. Perpendicular to wave propagation
C. Circular
D. Elliptical
17. The phenomenon of resonance occurs when
A. The frequency of external force matches the natural frequency
B. Two waves of different frequencies superpose
C. A wave reflects back into the medium
D. The amplitude of oscillation decreases over time
18. The intensity of a wave is proportional to
A. Amplitude
B. Amplitude squared
C. Frequency
D. Frequency squared
19. The principle of superposition states that
A. Waves reflect at boundaries
B. Waves change speed in different media
C. The resultant displacement is the sum of individual displacements
D. Waves diffract around obstacles
20. The equation of a simple harmonic wave is
A. y = A sin(ωt + φ)
B. y = A cos(ωt)
C. y = A tan(ωt)
D. y = A exp(ωt)
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