1. Three charges +Q, q, +Q are placed respectively at distances 0, d/2, and d from the origin on the x-axis. If the net force experienced by +Q placed at x = 0 is zero, then the value of q is
A. +Q/4
B. -Q/2
C. +Q/2
D. -Q/4
2. A parallel plate capacitor having capacitance 12 pF is charged by a battery to a potential difference of 10 V between its plates. The charging battery is now disconnected, and a porcelain slab of dielectric constant 6.5 is slipped between the plates. The potential difference between the plates now is
A. 1.54 V
B. 10 V
C. 0.77 V
D. 5 V
3. A hollow metal sphere of radius 5 cm is charged such that the potential on its surface is 10 V. The potential at the center of the sphere is
A. Zero
B. 10 V
C. Same as at a point 5 cm away from the surface
D. Same as at a point 25 cm away from the surface
4. Two point charges Q and -Q are placed at points (a, 0, 0) and (-a, 0, 0) respectively. The electric potential at the origin is
A. Zero
B. kQ/a
C. -kQ/a
D. 2kQ/a
5. The electric field inside a conductor is
A. Always zero
B. Always non-zero
C. Zero only in electrostatic equilibrium
D. Depends on the shape of the conductor
6. The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor does not depend on
A. Area of the plates
B. Distance between the plates
C. Dielectric constant of the material between the plates
D. Charges on the plates
7. Two identical metallic spheres A and B are given charges of +2Q and -Q, respectively. If they are brought in contact and then separated by a distance d, the force between them is
A. Attractive
B. Repulsive
C. Zero
D. Depends on the value of d
8. The work done in moving a charge q from point A to point B in an electric field is independent of the path if the field is
A. Electrostatic
B. Time-varying
C. Non-conservative
D. Magnetic
9. A point charge q is placed at the center of a cube of side a. The electric flux through one of its faces is
A. q/ε₀
B. q/2ε₀
C. q/6ε₀
D. q/8ε₀
10. The potential energy of a system of two point charges q₁ and q₂ separated by a distance r in a medium of dielectric constant K is
A. kq₁q₂/Kr
B. kq₁q₂/r
C. kq₁q₂r/K
D. kq₁q₂/Kr²
11. An electric dipole of moment p is placed in a uniform electric field E. The torque acting on it is
A. pE
B. pE sinθ
C. pE cosθ
D. Zero
12. The electric field due to a uniformly charged infinite plane sheet is
A. σ/2ε₀
B. σ/ε₀
C. σ/4ε₀
D. 2σ/ε₀
13. The energy stored in a capacitor of capacitance C charged to a potential difference V is
B. (1/2)CV²
C. (1/2)CV
D. CV²
14. The electric potential due to a dipole at a point on its axial line at a distance r from the center is proportional to
A. 1/r
B. 1/r²
C. 1/r³
D. 1/r⁴
15. Two charges q₁ and q₂ are separated by a distance d. The electric field at the midpoint between the two charges is zero if
A. q₁ = q₂
B. q₁ = -q₂
C. q₁ = 2q₂
D. q₁ = -2q₂
16. The capacitance of a spherical conductor of radius R is
A. 4πε₀R
B. 4πε₀/R
C. 4πε₀R²
D. 4πε₀/R²
17. The electric field at a point on the perpendicular bisector of a dipole is
A. Parallel to the dipole moment
B. Anti-parallel to the dipole moment
C. Perpendicular to the dipole moment
D. Zero
18. A metallic shell has a point charge q at its center and another charge Q on its surface. The force on q due to Q is
A. Zero
B. kqQ/r²
C. kqQ/r
D. kqQ/2r²
19. The electric potential at a point on the equatorial line of a dipole is
A. Zero
B. Maximum
C. Minimum
D. Depends on the distance from the dipole
20. Two capacitors of capacitances C₁ and C₂ are connected in series. The equivalent capacitance is
A. C₁ + C₂
B. (C₁C₂)/(C₁ + C₂)
C. (C₁ + C₂)/2
D. C₁C₂
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