1. Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction states that the induced emf in a circuit is proportional to the
A. Rate of change of electric field
B. Rate of change of magnetic flux
C. Rate of change of area
D. Rate of change of resistance
2. Lenz's law is a consequence of the law of
A. Conservation of charge
B. Conservation of momentum
C. Conservation of energy
D. Conservation of mass
3. The unit of self-inductance is
A. Henry
B. Tesla
C. Weber
D. Farad
4. A coil of inductance L and resistance R is connected to a battery of emf E. The final steady-state current is
A. E/R
B. E/L
C. E/(R+L)
D. E
5. In an AC circuit containing only a capacitor, the current
A. Leads the voltage by 90°
B. Lags the voltage by 90°
C. Is in phase with the voltage
D. Leads the voltage by 180°
6. The resonant frequency of an LC circuit is given by
A. 1/(2π√(LC))
B. 1/(2πLC)
C. 1/(4π²LC)
D. 1/(LC)
7. The quality factor (Q-factor) of a series resonant circuit is a measure of
A. Bandwidth
B. Energy loss
C. Resonant frequency
D. Selectivity
8. In a transformer, the primary coil has 100 turns, and the secondary coil has 200 turns. If the primary voltage is 220 V, the secondary voltage is
A. 110 V
B. 220 V
C. 440 V
D. 880 V
9. The phenomenon of eddy currents is utilized in
A. Electric heaters
B. Transformers
C. Induction cooktops
D. Electric motors
10. The time constant of an RL circuit is given by
A. L/R
B. R/L
D. 1/(LR)
11. In a purely inductive AC circuit, the power consumed over a complete cycle is
A. Maximum
B. Zero
C. Minimum
D. Infinite
12. The peak value of an alternating current is 10 A. Its RMS value is approximately
A. 7.07 A
B. 5 A
C. 10 A
D. 14.14 A
13. Mutual inductance between two coils depends on
A. The number of turns in the coils
B. The relative position of the coils
C. The medium between the coils
D. All of the above
14. The back emf in a motor is maximum when
A. The motor starts
B. The motor stops
C. The motor runs at maximum speed
D. The motor runs at half speed
15. In a series LCR circuit at resonance, the impedance is
A. Minimum
B. Maximum
C. Zero
D. Infinite
16. The power factor of a purely resistive AC circuit is
A. Zero
B. 0.5
C. 1
D. Infinity
17. Skin effect in conductors carrying AC is due to
A. Non-uniform current distribution
B. Uniform current distribution
C. High resistance of the conductor
D. Low resistance of the conductor
18. The inductive reactance of a coil is given by
A. ωL
B. 1/ωL
C. ω/C
D. 1/ωC
19. In an AC generator, the frequency of the induced emf depends on
A. The speed of rotation
B. The number of turns in the coil
C. The strength of the magnetic field
D. All of the above
20. The phenomenon where an emf is induced in a coil due to a changing current in a neighboring coil is called
A. Self-induction
B. Mutual induction
C. Electrostatic induction
D. Magnetic induction
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