1. Electromagnetic waves are produced by

2. The electromagnetic waves with the longest wavelength are

3. The frequency range of visible light is approximately

4. The speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum depends on

5. The polarization of electromagnetic waves is due to the property of

6. In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field and magnetic field vectors are

7. The wavelength of electromagnetic waves used in radar systems is in the range of

8. Which type of electromagnetic waves is used for satellite communication?

9. The energy of a photon is given by

10. The phenomenon which proves the transverse nature of electromagnetic waves is

11. The electromagnetic waves with the highest energy are

12. Infrared waves are commonly known as

13. The main source of X-rays is

14. The Poynting vector of an electromagnetic wave represents

15. The ratio of the magnitudes of electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave is equal to

16. Which type of electromagnetic waves is used in remote controls for televisions?

17. Ultraviolet radiation is harmful because

18. The sky appears blue due to

19. The electromagnetic spectrum includes

20. The displacement current is significant in

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