1. Electromagnetic waves are produced by:
A. accelerated charges
B. stationary charges
C. charges moving at constant speed
D. neutral particles
2. Which of the following is not a property of electromagnetic waves?
A. They are transverse waves
B. They travel in a vacuum
C. Their speed in a medium is independent of permittivity
D. They consist of oscillating electric and magnetic fields
3. The speed of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum is approximately:
A. 3 x 10^8 m/s
B. 3 x 10^6 m/s
C. 3 x 10^10 m/s
D. 3 x 10^5 m/s
4. In an electromagnetic wave, the electric and magnetic fields are:
A. perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the wave direction
B. parallel to each other and perpendicular to the wave direction
C. perpendicular to each other and parallel to the wave direction
D. none of these
5. The wavelength range of visible light is approximately:
A. 400 nm to 700 nm
B. 10 nm to 400 nm
C. 700 nm to 1000 nm
D. 1 nm to 10 nm
6. Radio waves are used for:
A. remote sensing
B. communication
C. medical imaging
D. ionization
7. Which of the following electromagnetic waves has the longest wavelength?
A. X-rays
B. Microwaves
C. Infrared waves
D. Radio waves
8. Gamma rays have a very high:
A. wavelength
B. frequency
C. speed
D. amplitude
9. Infrared waves are also known as:
A. heat waves
B. light waves
C. ionizing radiation
D. radio waves
10. Ultraviolet radiation is used for:
A. sterilization
B. diagnosis
C. communication
D. heating
11. The energy of electromagnetic waves is carried by:
A. magnetic field
B. electric field
C. both electric and magnetic fields
D. none of these
12. Electromagnetic waves are:
A. longitudinal waves
B. mechanical waves
C. transverse waves
D. none of these
13. Which of the following waves is not part of the electromagnetic spectrum?
A. Sound waves
B. Radio waves
C. Microwaves
D. Gamma rays
14. The displacement current is proportional to the:
A. change in electric flux
B. change in magnetic flux
C. electric charge
D. magnetic field
15. Which electromagnetic waves are used for satellite communication?
A. Microwaves
B. Infrared waves
C. Ultraviolet rays
D. Gamma rays
16. Electromagnetic waves differ in their:
A. speed in vacuum
B. frequency
C. electric field direction
D. magnetic field direction
17. X-rays are produced when:
A. high-speed electrons strike a metal target
B. atoms are ionized
C. electrons vibrate in conductors
D. charged particles move in a circular path
18. The speed of electromagnetic waves in a medium depends on its:
A. permeability and permittivity
B. density
C. temperature
D. pressure
19. Electromagnetic waves transfer:
A. energy only
B. momentum only
C. both energy and momentum
D. neither energy nor momentum
20. The Poynting vector represents:
A. direction of energy flow
B. magnetic field strength
C. electric field strength
D. direction of wave propagation
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