1. The de Broglie wavelength of a particle is inversely proportional to its

2. The work function of a metal is 2 eV. What is the threshold frequency for the photoelectric emission?

3. The stopping potential in a photoelectric experiment depends on

4. In an experiment, the wavelength of incident light is halved. The stopping potential will

5. Which of the following has the maximum de Broglie wavelength?

6. The photoelectric effect demonstrates the

7. The momentum of a photon is given by

8. The kinetic energy of an emitted electron in the photoelectric effect depends on

9. The energy of a photon is proportional to

10. When X-rays strike a metal surface, electrons are emitted. This phenomenon is called

11. The threshold wavelength for a metal is 600 nm. The work function of the metal is

12. The mass of a photon is

13. Which of the following phenomena cannot be explained by the wave theory of light?

14. The de Broglie wavelength associated with an electron accelerated through a potential difference of V volts is

15. The unit of the Planck's constant is

16. If the intensity of incident light in a photoelectric experiment is doubled, the kinetic energy of the emitted electrons

17. Which of the following proves the particle nature of radiation?

18. The photoelectric current is proportional to

19. The velocity of an electron in the first orbit of hydrogen atom is approximately

20. The rest mass of a photon is

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