1. The energy of a photon emitted during the transition of an electron from n=3 to n=2 in the hydrogen atom is
A. 1.51 eV
B. 2.55 eV
C. 3.4 eV
D. 0.85 eV
2. The binding energy of a nucleus is defined as
A. The energy required to break the nucleus into its constituent nucleons
B. The total energy of the nucleus
C. The energy released in nuclear fusion
D. The energy required to ionize the nucleus
3. The energy required to remove the electron from the first orbit of a hydrogen atom is
A. 13.6 eV
B. 6.8 eV
C. 1.51 eV
D. 3.6 eV
4. The maximum wavelength of the Lyman series in the hydrogen atom corresponds to the transition from
A. n=2 to n=1
B. n=3 to n=2
C. n=4 to n=3
D. n=5 to n=4
5. The energy of the nth orbit in a hydrogen atom is given by
A. -13.6/n^2 eV
B. 13.6/n^2 eV
C. 13.6n^2 eV
D. -13.6n^2 eV
6. The angular momentum of the electron in the nth orbit of a hydrogen atom is quantized as
A. nh/2π
B. nh
C. h/n
D. n^2h
7. The total energy of an electron in the nth orbit of the hydrogen atom is
A. -13.6/n^2 eV
B. 13.6/n^2 eV
C. 13.6n^2 eV
D. -13.6n^2 eV
8. The value of the ground state energy of hydrogen atom is
A. -13.6 eV
B. 13.6 eV
C. 0 eV
D. 1.6 eV
9. The radius of the nth orbit of the hydrogen atom is proportional to
A. n^2
B. n
C. 1/n
D. 1/n^2
10. In a Rutherford scattering experiment, large angle scattering of alpha particles is due to
A. Electrostatic repulsion between alpha particles and the nucleus
B. Elastic collision between alpha particles and the nucleus
C. Weak interaction between particles
D. Mass difference between alpha particles and nucleus
11. The process of electron capture in a nucleus results in
A. The conversion of a proton into a neutron
B. The emission of a beta particle
C. The emission of a gamma photon
D. The formation of a positron
12. The energy associated with the ground state of a hydrogen atom is
A. -13.6 eV
B. 13.6 eV
C. 0 eV
D. 3.6 eV
13. The isotope of hydrogen with one proton and one neutron is called
A. Deuterium
B. Tritium
C. Protium
D. Hydrogen-1
14. The energy of the photon emitted in the Balmer series is
A. Directly proportional to the frequency of the transition
B. Inversely proportional to the square of the wavelength
C. Inversely proportional to the frequency of the transition
D. Inversely proportional to the square of the frequency
15. The ionization energy of the hydrogen atom is
A. 13.6 eV
B. 6.8 eV
C. 3.6 eV
D. 1.6 eV
16. The wavelength of the radiation emitted when an electron in a hydrogen atom jumps from n=4 to n=2 corresponds to
A. Lyman series
B. Balmer series
C. Paschen series
D. Brackett series
17. The number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom is called
A. Atomic number
B. Mass number
C. Binding energy
D. Electron configuration
18. In a Bohr atom model, the angular momentum of an electron in the nth orbit is
A. nh/2π
B. nh
C. h/n
D. n^2h
19. The concept of nuclear fission was first introduced by
A. Lise Meitner
B. Otto Hahn
C. Albert Einstein
D. Niels Bohr
20. In the process of nuclear fusion, energy is released due to
A. Mass defect
B. Neutron bombardment
C. Alpha decay
D. Beta decay
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