1. Which of the following is used to minimize errors due to parallax while taking measurements?

2. The precision of an instrument refers to

3. In an experiment, which of the following helps to identify random errors?

4. Which of the following is a cause of systematic error?

5. The uncertainty in a measurement is determined by

6. When measuring the length of an object using a vernier caliper, the zero error can be corrected by

7. The accuracy of a measurement is affected by

8. The source of error due to human reaction time in measurement is known as

9. What is the primary cause of a zero error in an instrument?

10. Which of the following instruments is best suited for measuring the diameter of a thin wire?

11. The standard deviation in a set of measurements is used to measure

12. In an experiment to measure the resistivity of a material, which instrument is primarily used to measure voltage?

13. In an experimental setup, a large error due to friction can be minimized by

14. When performing an experiment, the most common way to deal with random errors is by

15. Which of the following is true about systematic errors?

16. In a measurement of time, a systematic error would occur if

17. Which of the following methods can reduce human error during a measurement?

18. In an experiment involving heat transfer, the precision of the results can be improved by

19. The major cause of error in a measurement due to improper reading of the scale is

20. Which of the following describes the concept of uncertainty in measurement?

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