Aibe Mock Test Random Q1

1. Under which of the following circumstances can the High Court call for a revision of a case decided by a subordinate court :

2. A valid contract requires:

3. An advocate's duty to the court includes:

4. A suit against public nuisance may be instituted by

5. The mandate of an arbitrator terminates, when:

6. The minimum age of the President of India should be:

7. According to the Evidence Act, the expression �a court may presume a fact� means:

8. Under which of the following circumstances can a contract be rescinded?

9. According to the Negotiable Instruments Act, which of the following are considered to be instruments?

10. In which of the following instances can an arbitral tribunal terminate the arbitral proceedings:

11. According to the Code of Civil Procedure, a court after issuing summons to a person can compel his attendance by:

12. The famous case of Donoghue v Stevenson created the concept of:

13. Rahul had to institute a suit regarding a possession of a property by the 31st of July 2013. He filed a suit on the 30th November 2013 . Rahul's suit is clearly barred by limitation. Rahul's right to property has been:

14. CAT stands for:

15. An �additional award' must be made by an Arbitral Tribunal within��� days of receiving the application from the concerned party:

16. Ajay prays to the court to punish Bob and Rahul for the offences committed by them together against Ajay. The burden of proof lies on:

17. A person arrested by a police officer without a warrant cannot be detained in custody beyond��..hours:

18. Which of the following agreements are voidable?

19. Ashish and Rohan are brothers. They were born from the same mother but different fathers. How are they related according to the Hindu Marriage Act:

20. The Disciplinary Committee of a Bar Council consists of���.. members:

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