1. Directions: Each item in this section has a sentence with three underlined parts labelled (a), (b) and (c). Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in any underlined part. Indicate your response in the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter i.e., (a) or (b) or (c). If you find no error, your response should be indicated as (d).
A. Over long periods of time,
B. layers of sediments builds up
C. to a height of a few kilometers.
D. No Error
2. Error in sentence
A. When a gas is
B. cooled down it turns into a liquid
C. from a process called condensation.
D. No Error
3. Error in sentence
A. If you want
B. to know the news
C. you can read a newspaper.
D. No Error
4. Error in sentence
A. Columbus made his
B. first voyage from Europe to America
C. on 1492.
D. No Error
5. Error in sentence
A. Whenever the sky is
B. clear, you can see
C. the stars in the night.
D. No Error
6. Error in sentence
A. I'm not working tomorrow,
B. so I don't had to
C. get up early.
D. No Error
7. Error in sentence
A. She didn't
B. tell anybody
C. about her plans.
D. No Error
8. Error in sentence
A. She wouldn't have
B. has an accident,
C. if she had driven carefully.
D. No Error
9. Error in sentence
A. I will watch film
B. if I finish the work
C. in time.
D. No Error
10. Error in sentence
A. In 1989, the government
B. did an about-face and Iran restored
C. it's family planning program.
D. No Error
11. Error in sentence
A. Bread, butter and
B. jam common breakfast items
C. that are consumed by many households.
D. No Error
12. Error in sentence
A. Ten thousand dollars is
B. the prize money being offered
C. by the game show hosts.
D. No Error
13. Error in sentence
A. Three hundred and sixty five
B. create sp the number of days
C. in a calendar year.
D. No Error
14. Error in sentence
A. The process of removing
B. wool from the body of
C. an animal is called sharing.
D. No Error
15. Error in sentence
A. Many people came
B. from faraway places to prayed
C. at the temple on the auspicious day.
D. No Error
16. Error in sentence
A. After reading foreword of
B. the book on environmental issues in India,
C. I decided to meet its author.
D. No Error
17. Error in sentence
A. The guidance from the mentors
B. and teachers facilitated the
C. smooth conduct of elections to the Students' council.
D. No Error
18. Error in sentence
A. The Principal of our school
B. felicitated the students in
C. the prize distribution ceremony.
D. No Error
19. Error in sentence
A. If you were to
B. come to Chennai to settle down
C. it will be the best possible decision.
D. No Error
20. Error in sentence
A. They had promised to delivered
B. the bags before mid-March
C. to enable us to inaugurate the shop.
D. No Error
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The questions in this MCQ quiz are intended solely for educational purposes. While we strive to ensure the accuracy of the content, the information provided may not always be up-to-date or complete. The quiz creators are not liable for any misunderstandings, errors, or any consequences arising from the use of this quiz. Participants should verify any information independently before relying on it for any critical decision-making.
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