Directions: Each item in this section consists of a sentence with an underlined word followed by four options, (a), (b), (c) and (d). Select the option that is nearest in meaning to the underlined word and mark your response in your Answer Sheet accordingly.
During the pandemic the
people had to suffer a lot.
A. very poor
B. opulent
C. solvent
D. prosperous
2. She had no idea what made him angry in one minute and
the next.
A. aggrieved
B. melancholic
C. doleful
D. mirthful
3. It is sheer
to drive a car in this frosty weather.
A. prudence
B. normalcy
C. insanity
D. sanity
4. Operating on a child with cancer needs
planning and teamwork.
A. strong
B. long
C. playful
D. scrupulous
5. The thrill of over-speeding the vehicle can be
, but it is important not to take the consequences lightly.
A. humdrum
B. dreary
C. exciting
D. agitating
6. The
will now depend on his new strategy of inclusiveness.
A. retrieval
B. forfeiture
C. corporation
D. desecration
7. Only three candidates are now in
for the title.
A. involved in dispute
B. in agreement with each other
C. chance of winning
D. amiable to each other
8. All my fishing
is in the car.
A. boxes
B. accessories
C. fuel
D. food
9. The public watched in
as he took a sudden jump from the bridge.
A. anticipation
B. hurriedly
C. wonderment
D. calmness
10. Drinking
amount of liquor is not good for health.
A. temperate
B. exorbitant
C. moderate
D. regular
11. He is always
A. worried
B. passionate
C. faultfinding
D. jovial
12. Geomorphologists
several wonderful facts about our earth.
A. verify
B. invert
C. increase
D. omit
13. The Colonel ordered the Soldiers to meet him in the
A. office
B. field
C. playground
D. canteen
14. The doctor
the patient's finger first and then cured the ailment.
A. stitched
B. dissected
C. plastered
D. splintered
15. Mr. Kumar works as a
in the sports academy.
A. secretary
B. accountant
C. coach
D. trainer
16. His intentions are
A. pious
B. inadvertent
C. deceitful
D. naive
17. Respect for other human beings is
to the teachings of all religions.
A. inconsistent
B. peripheral
C. inherent
D. existential
18. He completed the
task with relative ease.
A. smooth
B. complex
C. risky
D. wearying
19. Alfred was a
during the Middle Ages.
A. Monarch
B. lenient
C. liberal
D. democrat
20. I abandoned the task due to
A. difficulty
B. laziness
C. ugliness
D. helplessness
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